There is a pond to the north of Daimiel not far from the Tablas de Daimiel National Park called the Laguna de Navaseca. It’s not very big but is always full of life. It is a delightful place for any birder, or even one not so interested, who loves to […]
Laguna de Navaseca
Western Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) with wing-tags OL I was out at the Laguna de Navaseca near Daimiel last Wednesday when a Marsh Harrier caught my eye. It was flying about the reeds as they do but this one was different. It had tags. The tags were orange and yellow […]
Spotted Crake (Porzana porzana) I went to the Laguna Navaseca having received word of a Bittern there. The Bittern didn’t show after much searching, not that I expected it to be all that obvious, however the day was not without its surprises. At the Navaseca, I managed to count 36 […]
Water Pipit (Anthus spinoletta) We get many winter visitors from far away here in la Mancha, such as the Common Crane from far off Siberia or the Red Kite from Northern Europe. But we also get visitors from what´s called “Altitudinal Migration”. This is a seasonal movement where the change […]
Reed Bunting – male (Emberiza schoeniclus) Continuing on from yesterdays entry about the Navaseca it was a pleasure to see there a pair of Reed Buntings. The male is a handsome bird, although my photo does not do him justice, whilst the female looks rather Sparrow like. Reed Bunting – […]
Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleuchos) The Laguna de Navaseca was superb yesterday. It really is a tiny gem. Only 15km from the Tablas National Park which is beautiful, orderly and expansive, the Navaseca is small, dumpy and smelly. But that doesn´t affect anything. It always performs. It has ducks, waders, egrets, […]
Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola) It would appear that we are starting to be visited by a number of migrants here in La Mancha. It´s a great time of the year to see some birds you wouldn´t normally see, such as this lovely Wood Sandpiper as seen at the Laguna de […]
Purple Gallinule [Swamphen] (Porphyrio porphyrio), a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. No, I´m not talking about Prince, Squiggle, Symbol or whatever he calls himself. I´m talking about one of the most electric coloured waterfowl, the Purple Swamphen or Gallinule. There are 13 or so subspecies of this bird […]