Last weekend I appeared in the Sunday supplement of El País, a leading Spanish national newspaper. It’s an article about people who decided to swap their urban lives for a rural one and the difficulties and challenges that presents. I am very proud to have been asked to be a […]
Oretani Wildlife
There is a pond to the north of Daimiel not far from the Tablas de Daimiel National Park called the Laguna de Navaseca. It’s not very big but is always full of life. It is a delightful place for any birder, or even one not so interested, who loves to […]
Yesterday I was in Fernan Caballero, a small village in the Montes Norte region, to help organise an ornithological walking tour. The town council, as part of a program of showing the local people the richness of the flora and fauna right on their doorstep, want to do an excursion […]
Bearded Reedlings – a Year Round Resident One of my favourite passerines is the elusive, but well worth the effort of finding, Bearded Reedling (Panurus biarmicus), also known as the Bearded Tit but it is not a Tit, which is a year-round resident in Castilla la Mancha, Central Spain. They […]
The burst banks of the Guadiana, where I sat for my interview. Approximately 40km west of Ciudad Real on the “road to Portugal” lies Luciana at the point where the Rivers Bullaque and Guadiana meet. It’s a picturesque spot, popular with families who like to go there for a picnic […]
Here at Oretani Wildlife it’s not all about birds, or more recently about the construction of our guest accommodation, or the rain which hasn’t stopped either. We also offer a cultural view of our region, Castilla la Mancha, to our guests. And what could be more of a colourful and […]
Oretani Wildlife is based in a village called Picón in an area called Montes, which is a comarca, or region of Ciudad Real made up of a few small towns and pueblos or villages. Known formally as Montes, the area has set up an association between the towns and villages […]
So nearly another month has gone by and the weather has been somewhat unkind to us. There has been plenty of rain and even some snow. Personally I don’t mind the rain, we need the water here, but it sure messes up a builders schedule. Anyway, we left off in […]
So, it’s been a while since I updated this blog, my Flickr account or anything really. I haven’t disappeared, I’ve just been busy. Sort of… The story is that, as some of you know, myself and Mrs. HibernoManchego bought ourselves a “casa de pueblo” in 2011 in a beautiful little […]
Truxalis nasuta I have spoken before of camouflage in both the insect world here and here, and of the avian world. The other day Mrs HibernoManchego and myself took a detour to a small reservoir near our new village. She had not seen it yet and I had only discovered […]