Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti) Recently on a trip to a road that shall remain unnamed in an unnamed area of Ciudad Real, I had the great fortune to come across a juvenile Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti) in an oak tree. It’s a special experience finding one of these […]
Spanish Imperial Eagle
Spanish Imperial Eagle – juvenile (Aquila adalberti), a photo by HibernoManchego (formerly Mike at Sea) on Flickr. Today SEO/Birdlife Spain announced what would appear to be a very bad start to the year for the extremely vulnerable Spanish Imperial Eagle. Six birds were found dead due to poisoning in la […]
Spanish Imperial Eagle – juvenile (Aquila adalberti), a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. …are the future of the race tomorrow. This juvenile Spanish Imperialist was flying about with it´s tagged parent just up the road called Encomienda de Mudela. The adult came bombing down the road at low […]
2011_02_04 CdC – Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti) 04Originally uploaded by Mike at Sea Spain may be a democratic monarchy but imperialism still lives on the peninsula. I´m not talking about a movement in favour of taking back the Philippines or most of South America but that of the imperialism […]