Truxalis nasuta I have spoken before of camouflage in both the insect world here and here, and of the avian world. The other day Mrs HibernoManchego and myself took a detour to a small reservoir near our new village. She had not seen it yet and I had only discovered […]
Blue–winged Grasshopper (Oedipoda caerulescens) I was out in El Chiquero for a picnic with my wife. You know, riverbank, blanket, chicken sandwiches, white wine, 36C heat, dried Manchegan countryside full of thistles prickling you from beneath the blanket, ants scurrying about. Idyllic… No actually it was very pleasant, apart from […]
Garden Tiger Moth (Arctia caja), a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. Actually no, it´s not, we all know the Celtic Tiger is dead, or at the very least has left the building…I mean fled the country. What I want to talk about is the Garden Tiger. This, like […]
Egyptian Grasshopper – nymph (Anacridium aegyptium), a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. If it wasn´t for the movement of this wee, green chameleon-like grasshopper I probably would have missed it. It turns out to be a nymph form of the Egyptian Grasshopper (Anacridium augyptium). When in this earlier […]