As I mentioned in my post yesterday, there is a copse of trees where butterflies are having a ball just feeding on the flowers and flitting about between the sun and the shade. And I mentioned that if you are lucky you would see a Hummingbird Hawkmoth (Macroglossum stellatarum). Well […]
Latreille’s Latin is a Noctuid moth found in most parts of Europe, Asia and in Africa, from Egypt to South Africa.The tend to live on rocky limestone slopes with deciduous woodland. So why then was this small moth in our apartment perched on my trousers? I think it may have […]
Moths are fantastic creatures. There are so many and for many people a relatively unknown and unseen part of our environmental heritage. Many people are scared of moths for some reason and I always try to tell them that they are but nighttime butterflies. As in previous entries about moths […]
Giant Emperor Moth (Saturnia pyri) I went out to our house in Picón to see how the builders and plumber were getting on. As I walked in to the patio, to my absolute delight, I saw this huge moth on the kitchen wall. Seemingly, it had been found on the […]
Underwing Moth (Catacola nymphaea) Myself and Mrs. HibernoManchego went to the Natural Park in Ruidera for a weekend of camping to escape the heat of the city and enjoy the crystal clear waters of the lakes. When we arrived we were greeted by thousands upon thousands of moths flying about […]
Underwing Moth (Catacola nymphaea) I mentioned in a previous entry about Hawk-moths how they try to blend in with the darker parts of nature, whether that be lichen, bark or just the night itself. But many moths are just as colourful as butterflies but keep it hidden beneath their darker […]
Small Skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris) It really is butterfly season. During my walks, particularly those along the river where the vegetation is thickest, insect life is in abundance. Wherever you step there are damselflies and dragonflies, butterflies and grass moths. One of the species of butterfly that is out in abundance […]
It’s a Hummingbird Hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum)! Hummingbird Hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) The above photo is what flew past me and it really did seem like a hummingbird. I thought I was seeing things. Greyish above but with this blur of orange from the underwings. I was lucky to get a shot […]
Owlfly (Libelloides baeticus) I’ve been feeling like I am getting lazy about my trips to the country so despite the heat, or because of it, I have been getting out of the car some more recently. I went cycling the other day amongst bee-eaters and stone curlews and then Friday […]
Garden Tiger Moth (Arctia caja), a photo by Mike at Sea on Flickr. Actually no, it´s not, we all know the Celtic Tiger is dead, or at the very least has left the building…I mean fled the country. What I want to talk about is the Garden Tiger. This, like […]